Sunday, October 11, 2015

International Football

A few words about the FIrst International Football event organized by the University of Phisical Education Yesterday (09.10.2015) we (Erasmus and ICC group) took part in the First Interantional Football event, which was organized by the International Coordinators of the University of Phisical Education. The event started from 19:15 in the D hall of the Uni. Around 30 student from almost all around the world participated in that programme. We did it mixed teams and played with each others, no matter the gender and who can play football, or not. We played several matches in several teams, that helps to know each other better. That night was a whale of a time and confirmed, so with sports, we can build new connections, friendships, meet new people and helps to keep our health. That was a very good opportunity for us to meet with others, who are also on an exchage programme. After the matches we got a Certificate about the participation, and a little sweety presents from our coordinators. Finally, we took a group picture, as you can see bellow! THANK YOU I’m waiting for the next programme, what we can spend together!



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