Monday, August 10, 2015

Motivations' of incoming erasmus students

"I chose to be Erasmus student once again, because this study period was the most useful regarding to my professional skills, and the most exciting in my personal life. I learned how to communicate with all kinds of people, from almost all over the world, I reached new goals. I also stretched my boundaries, and discovered new skills. It was one of the most memorable periods in my life, and I want to be part of this once again. In the first time I applied for Erasmus because, I felt that I need a change in my life and I also wanted to see how I manage to “survive” alone.My goal with the Erasmus is to meet all kinds of new people and learn from them about their culture, and the way they see life, language, and maybe find some new travel companions.I chose Budapest, because it’s my favorite type of city, I can feel myself very comfortable with the culture, as I am Hungarian as well, also I knew from other Erasmus students that the TF offers quality education. Not to mention that, I’m practicing target shooting at a high level so I needed a country which has similar safety regulations regarding firearms as my home country, Romania."

Eliza from Romania

"In the previous semester (2014/2015, II semester) I also studied here, at the University of Physical Education (TF) in Budapest. At the end of semester I went home with a lot of good memories, experiences and friendships. After that I decided to apply again for that/this mobility and come back to Budapest. Now I'm very happy because I got the opportunity again so I can continue my studies here with the mobility programme. I hope that this semester will be as memorable as the first, and we will spend a great time together in Budapest."

Gábor from Romania

"During the late 90's I had been in London for a few months to study English and to have contact with some different culture; in fact, I realized how important was it. Meeting people from all over the world, their peculiarities and costumes was a great experience. But that time, I wasn't study at a university; now, in Budapest, with the possibility to be in an exchange program, I think is going to be much better. To be in a land of so rich culture, like Budapest, is going to be an unique experience. All the mix cultures that I will be in touch, in a land that has so many influencies and history - from the Roman Empire to the Turkish Invasion; the Budapest Revolution in 1956; the School of Budapest; the Hungarian Dance! When I enrolled at Physical Education University in Brazil, my first intention was to join the Tai ji quan (Chinese internal martial art) practice, aerobic exercises, massage, and become a kind of “personal health care”. Although, during the academic life a lot of paths were opened to me. I had been studying in a Tutorial Educational Program that had the vulnerability children as focus; I also made part of a Philosophy Group that was introduced to George Lucáks work and to Espinoza “conatus” concept. After that, I entered in the Combat Sports, Fight and Martial Arts Socio-historical Study Group and since last year, I am part of the Sociology of Sport Group that has PhD Wanderley Marchi Jr. as a mentor. The professor is a member of International Sociology of Sport Association (ISSA) and during two weeks we were contemplated with the presence of PhD Jay Cockley. It was from him that I heard about PhD Gyöngyi Szabó Földesi; as he told us, she is considered the “Mother of Sociology of Sport” and I realized she is from Hungary. It will be an honour if I have the possibility to be close to her production and knowledge. I saw that next ISSA World Congress is going to be in Budapest, in June – nothing more convenient! The possibility to know another educational system, the health policies, the work with the community, the sports (from the olympic to the grassroots sports, like Földesi explain in Sports Crisis), to see what the researchers are studying, to make part of something. I know is going to be a very rich experience. Here, in Brazil (Rio de Janeiro), as we going to be the next Olympic and Paralympic Games host, there are a lot of discussions about the legacy of the Games and what is going to happen after them. Few days ago, there was a discussion about it and the main point was: Sports for All! This will be the great legacy for our country. And what about Budapest, how is the preparation as it will be a 2024 Olympic Games candidate? What are the policies? Well, I am open to all kind of new knowledge and I will do my best as a student."

Walter from Brasil

"I am a student in Tallinn University. I have learned recreational management for two years.
Why Hungary and why University of Physical Education? Well, Hungary has always been a place which I have been wanted to visit. I have heard stories about the beauty of Budapest and now I can finally see it with my own eyes. The fact that Hungary has a lot of neighbouring countries made the deciding even easier. During my Erasmus time in Budapest I´d like to travel to atleast three of them.
After deciding which country to go I had one university to apply so here I am. I didn´t know any subjects I could take until July, unfortunately there is not much to choose from but that does not make me feel less interested or excited about coming there. Who wouldn´t like to combine working out and going to school?
I was a head organizer of a university wide tournament and gained a lot of experience but I also many questions rose up. Why students these days don´t take part of events especially organized for them? Is it only our school or do other schools have the same problem? etc…
I hope to find answers to my questions and my biggest wish is to get struck by idea lightening for my bachelor research thesis.  I won´t go to work this school year so I try to take everything Budapest and University of Physical Education have to offer me."

Kelli from Estonia

"I have choosen the TF university because I heard experiences from other students that enjoyed a lot their stage and I'm sure that this year will change my life at all. I know also that in eastern countries have a lot of gymnastics culture and I wanted to see their way to practice and organize trainings. I want also to gather with some groups of bboys here to practice with them and have a group of people to train with and try different ways to comunicate as a trainer to help others to get closer to their goals, dealing with the challenge of communicating in a different language. It would be also nice to visit the conuntries near here and learn their way to cook."

Eduardo from Barcelona

"As I said in my Introduction, I'm a very active girl and I love exploring the world and living adventures, and since I visited Budapest last New Year Evening, I knew I had to discover the city as much as possible, and there is no better way to do it than doing an Erasmus year in that city. Doing that programme is a great way, for one hand, to stand out in my professional life and, in the other hand, to grow up and learn and learn a lot of different stuff. I'm a very independent girl and I really love to feel I have to work for myself to go forward and solve all problems by myself, and because I'll be far away from home in a different context, I'm sure I'll find a lot of challenge. Also, I want to know more about different cultures and lifestyles, about mentalities and thoughts and languages and food, and living for one year in a different city where there is a lot ofpeople from over the world is essential."

Marga from Barcelona

"Why did I decide going to Budapest? The truth is I didn’t know a lot about Budapest, but all the people told me about the city in an amazing way. Then I started researching about Budapest and I got in love. So I had no doubts and I chose it. I have to confess that knowing it is very cheap was an importat argument to decide it. I expect a lot of things about the Erasmus, I feel I need an experience like this, I need to feel I am alone, that my parents are not with me to help me, I want to improve my english (I think it is a necessity), and why not to learn the hungarian language. I would like to know other types of gymnastic trainings too. But I am not stupid, I also know other things why Erasmus is so famous… I want to go party, every kinds of parties. I think Kate can help us about it. In conclussion I think this can be one of the best years in my life and I am prepared to live it !"

Ignacio from Granada

"One day, I read in the in the university mail a message saying that the term was already open, then, I told Ignacio and we decided to apply the Erasmus at the same places because I’m afraid of going alone so, we chose on the first position Budapest because the Erasmus coordinator recommended it to me because there English is very well spoken and it is a beautiful city. In the second place we chose Finlandia because he told me that the education was very good, but I didn’t go to Finlandia because there are other type of life, get dark at 16:00 o’ clock and it’s very cold there so I prefered Budapest. But when they notify me that they give me other country where I was alone, I got out of my mind to go of Erasmus, therefore Ignacio and me were trying the way to go together because in this moment we were fall in love and the coordinators didn’t pay attention us. Finally, by surprise, the Budapest coordinators accepted one more position for me. I have to say that I´m very grateful of this. Unless I didn’t go to Erasmus. My main aim in the Erasmus is learning a lot of English because when this new experience finish I would like obtain the B2 or C1 tittle, the other aim is validating a lot of subjects when I come back to Spain and of course to travel around the countries, to know news traditions, new people, to make very good friends and to know lovely places. In conclusion, to have an unforggetable experience to remember. "

Maria from Don Benito

"About why I applied for Erasmus and why I chose Budapest, I did it because I think Erasmus is a great experience and lots of friends advised me to apply for it. I'm going to learn a lot surely, not just I will improve my English but I will meet a lot of people from different places of the world. I think that Erasmus is also a challenge for me because I will be relatively alone in a country where I've just have been for 2 days 3 years ago and where the main language is the Hungarian which is not said to be an easy language to learn. Budapest was my first option when I applied for Erasmus because I had been there and even it was just for some days I felt in love of this city and I wanted to come back. Moreover it's not an expensive city and it is good situated if I decide to travel when we have time."

Julia from Granada

"About this year in Budapest my expectations are really high. I would like to meet a lot of people from diferents countries and know more about Magyar culture. I have the intention of traveling as much as I can so I’m seeking partners!! If you are interest, don’t hesítate to contact me, I’m waiting for you!"

Andrew from Valencia

"I’m Magdalena Ginard and I’m a 20 years old girl from Mallorca but I study in Valencia the 3rd year of Sports Science. I come to Budapest because it's a new culture, a different way of thinking, different weather, different language… all is different and I want to have an awesome experience meeting new people, learning more and more English and doing sport, because I’m very active and I love sports, especially the adventurous sports, this is the reason that I’m a bit crazy and I love the adventure, travelling without anything, doing parachuting or going party until morning. In spite of a crazy girl, I’m a friendly and really nice Spanish girl and some of my hobbies are listening music, read or simply go walking around the city.
I hope spend a really good time in Budapest and be the best or one of the best experiences of my life."

Magda from Valencia

"I decided to apply to Erasmus because I think it is a great cultural and academic experience.I'd love to have another experience to live in another country which I already had in Berlin for 9 months before.Why Budapest and TF?Honestly,I dont know too much about school and I've never been in Budapest before but I've heard lots good stuff from my friends and my brother who visited Budapest.My main expectation is to experience as many different things as possible and enjoy them! So I'm really looking forward to meet with new people from all over the world and my time at TF and Budapest for 6 months. "

Mert from Turkey

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